Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Swan Matches

Because Nobody Steals Your Matches

There's a short advert to go along with these visuals. The setting is on a canal, two gentlemen stroll along the water as the sun glistens off of it, it's a nice evening. The men are strolling along chatting to each other, in the shot there's a swan that's traveling the canal, behind them.. but heading in their direction. The two men come to a halt as one of the men asks the other if he has a light, the man digs deep into his pocket and pulls out a box of Swan Vestas matches, he hands them over. The other man can be heard lighting the match and we see him take the box and place it into his own pocket. at this moment the swan that has been tailing them leaps majestically out of the water on onto the patch in-front of them, the men are shocked as the swan approaches the man and removes the matches from his pocket and holds them in his beak towards the other man who they rightfully belong too. He takes them with a steady hand and the duck turns and dives back into the water. The two men turn and look at each other. 'Because nobody steals your matches' is exclaimed in a thick male voice. The swan logo appears on screen with Swan Vestas as a large copy below.

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